Organic White Wine Vinegar Store Locator

Mr. Teselforo Fini owned and operated a famous specialty store in the heart of Modena, Italy in 1912. The lasting legacy of his small store front is FINIof Modena, a line of rich balsamic vinegars, glazes, and olive oils. These fine vinegars are aged in wooden barrels to bring the old world taste to the modern kitchen. FINI even has barrels of vinegar dating back to the 18th century!

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Organic White Wine Vinegar

Organic White Wine Vinegar

UPC: 685864099027

When a recipe calls for white over red, Fini Organic White Wine Vinegar fills a meal with the exciting taste it needs. Great for vinaigrettes, marinades, and anything that needs a little brightening without overwhelming more delicate ingredients.



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